Unbelievable but true, I'm only five days Mac OSX 10.5 Leopard was released officially by Apple and hackers have already managed to create a DVD "patch" that allows all simple to install on a PC without buying an Intel Mac I use the simple normal PC BIOS while Macs use the 'EFI , an evolution of the bios. It 'good to say that Mac has a higher gear, in fact, thanks to Boot Camp utility , Mac manages to perfectly emulate Windows (even the latest "Vista"). On the Internet have appeared numerous guides for installing Leopard. I will report it and a more precisely this . soon! Comments are always welcome!
are now three and a half months no longer a public article on this blog. The fact is that I enjoyed the summer and now I was clean of the school is now also you to update the blog. I have made available all of a playlist of music I listen to ... However if you also want to create a playlist on your blog, click on "create playlist" (right column of my blog "), register, add music to your playlist, and add to your blog / website script that will display the playlist to all your visitors ..
PS: Soon riaggiungerò to my blog readers the most serious ... for now be content! If you like it or if you have any problem please leave a comment, I will be happy to help! Until next time !
latest news Hacking the PSP, the Team was able to exploit a Noobz Exploit (code name "Illuminati Exploit"), working on all firmware including 3.50, discovered the exploit uses a bug in the game Lumines Ubisoft : to be precise, a buffer overflow in the handling of the save file of games. The trick devised by Noobz Archaemic and works with the game in an American with the European version in , and soon will also apply to the Japanese localization. Thanks to this great discovery may be initiated programs homebrew (homemade) without having to update the psp to a specific version of the firmware.
On May 13, 2007 emule has made five years ... strange but true: the majors are not yet managed to make it close. But why this program is so popular? First presents a graphical interface very simple and understandable even untrained user and then presents a wide breadth of file to download. EMule file sharing program that uses the eDonkey and Kad networks. However it must be emphasized that emulates a client is not very fast, no accident has been overtaken by BitTorrent, which was chosen by them for the major film distribution (through legal means). Another factor that has made the ascent of the world of file sharing emule is open source or open source. Precisely for this have created numerous modified versions of emule. I personally use eMule MorphXT, but I honestly do not know what the edited version better. What do you think? Oh I almost forget I was going to ... was released the new version of eMule, o.48a, if you're interested click here Your comments are always welcome!
Censorship on the HD DVD crack ignites the network
to take stock last December "Muslix64" (a hacker forum Doom9.org) had found the first volume key to decrypt the HD-DVD and soon after another geek known as "arnezami "he had first discovered the processing key that is a universal key which was used to decrypt any HD-DVD. Just as Muslix64, arnezami explains this thread to be able to obtain the key processing by carefully analyzing what went on in the memory of your PC. However, the processing key are easy to lift and programs like WinDVD and PowerDVD have been reviewed by their respective producers to prevent the discovery of other keys for decoding by another freak. And here we reach the nearest days ... On the site Digg.com , the news site "social" for excellence based on its essence favorite content from users have been deleted some reports showing the processing key for HD DVD discs. In the past few hours, the home page of Digg has been completely submerged by the outrage and uprising digger, who replied that fateful hex key tens, hundreds, thousands of times : to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow close the alphanumeric string phenomenon just search on Google, the more than 300 thousand total results speak for themselves. The post from which the digger replied this is the key. I hope I was clear, however if you would be happy if you left some comments.
Eliminate restrinzioni access in Internet Explorer
Hello! Did you ever want to remove the password of restrinzioni access to Internet Explorer? Well I will explain how to do, follow the steps and if in doubt leave a comment. 1) Go to start 2) click run 3) type Regedit (Registry Editor) and click ok 4) Stand up : HKLM / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / RATINGS 5) Remove all strings and binary values \u200b\u200bpresent in it. 6) Now exit from ' Registry Editor . 7) On the Windows desktop-click the right mouse button on the icon for Internet Explorer: select Properties, click the Content tab and press Disable button on the access restriction. When prompted to enter any password and just click OK.Ora any restriction of access to the Internet is removed. (In Internet Explorer 7 do not need to run this last step). For more "lazy" I wrote a small program that does everything automatically, downloadable from here . I recommend you leave some comments! Thank you very much for your attention and I hope to be helpful.
Minister for Cultural Heritage in the footsteps of his predecessor. Replies to Altroconsumo leaning Supreme Court ruling that the note does not refer to the current legislation. It is said to agree on DRM, but only if interoperable
Rome - The Consumers' Association Altroconsumo had asked his opinion and now the Minister for Cultural Heritage Francesco Rutelli said: the object is the peer-to-peer and the Italian law, a petition organized by the association would like to evolve. But according to Rutelli, for the maintenance of the criminal abuser sharing systems is sacrosanto.Nella letter ( here in PDF), the Minister explained that in addition to consumers' rights are also protected by other rights. "These are to be considered - he writes - the interests of authors and publishers, for which the author acknowledges the right of fair remuneration for their work, a work of genius." Source: Computer Point Express your comments!
London at the presentation of the PS3 Phil Harrison has released new information on the console.
Backwards compatibility: should be 1200 (with firmware 1.60) compatible PS2 titles on PAL console, a figure that will rise with the release of new firmware.
New Device :'ll get a new HD video device with spatial recognition in 2007.
PSOne Games: PSOne games purchased on the PlayStation Store will also be played on PS3 as well as on the PSP.
Playstation Home :
the team working on Home is working to allow users to enter Home directly from their games
Sony is looking for a way to allow users to sell items to each other , but is not his intention to become a bank Home and have responsibilities and rules on trade
there is a long-term plan to allow people outside the cinema Home to enter and download the movie on your console
possibly some aspects of Home will be accessible via the PSP, but only by the latter's limited hardware
Los Angeles (USA) - In the market for consoles next-generation game continues to ride Nintendo's Wii, which last month, the United States, has sold the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 combined . According to a report by analyst firm NPD in February Wii has sold on the stars and stripes 355mila units against 228mila 127mila Xbox 360 and PS3. Both the Nintendo console than that of Sony were launched in the U.S. last November.
designed the successor to Nintendo GameCube with an eye clearly focused on cost: the goal was to make the Wii next-generation console on the market any more . An objective fully achieved because, U.S., Wii is priced at $ 250 with a game included, compared to the $ 500-600 U.S. $ 300-400 PS3 and Xbox 360 (both without bundled games).
While Sony has focused most of his papers on the technological, equipping its console with a processor and an optical drive last generation, Nintendo has chosen to cut costs and focus its investment on the new gamepad with sensors movement. This also promotes Wii as a console for families ", arguing that its ease of use makes it accessible to those - such as children and the elderly - who have never picked up a gamepad.
The next-generation consoles which has sold more Xbox 360 is , with about 11 million units shipped worldwide. It should however be considered that the appliance Microsoft came on the market with more than a year ahead of the enemy. "The fact remains - said Douglas McIntyre, an analyst at 24 / 7 Wall Street - if Xbox 360 and its games continue to gain market share, Sony may be big trouble." The analyst also explained that Wii is a threat to Sony more marginal, and because this is aimed at a target audience substantially different from the PlayStation and Xbox. The three young
console battle it out to the dominance of a market that, in the U.S. alone, is worth 13 billion dollars.