Happy Birthday!
On May 13, 2007 emule has made five years ... strange but true: the majors are not yet managed to make it close. But why this program is so popular? First presents a graphical interface very simple and understandable even untrained user and then presents a wide breadth of file to download. EMule file sharing program that uses the eDonkey and Kad networks. However it must be emphasized that emulates a client is not very fast, no accident has been overtaken by BitTorrent, which was chosen by them for the major film distribution (through legal means). Another factor that has made the ascent of the world of file sharing emule is open source or open source. Precisely for this have created numerous modified versions of emule. I personally use eMule MorphXT, but I honestly do not know what the edited version better. What do you think?
Oh I almost forget I was going to ...
was released the new version of eMule, o.48a, if you're interested click here
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