prevent the appearance of wrinkles is possible, how you can avoid that, once appeared, they reveal more and more.
The passing of age and continued exposure to sunlight result in an overall physiological aging of the skin, particularly of the face, which looks more opaque, less elastic and is crossed by fine wrinkles. An unbalanced diet, stress and smoking tend to accelerate this process. Even before the age of 30 in fact, small and fine wrinkles can appear areas under the eyes (crow's feet) and around the mouth. To combat these signs of aging and prevent their occurrence, the first recommended treatment is peeling.
The chemical peel is a medical procedure that determines, through the application of a chemical on the skin of the face, the 'exfoliation and subsequent rapid renewal and rejuvenation of the top layer of skin. This fact, already after the first treatment, it is smoother and brighter.
It acts in the facial skin through the action of several mechanisms:
- stimulates the regeneration (turnover) mobile phone by removing dead skin cells and exfoliate stratum corneum, causing a real acceleration of cell turnover that is already naturally in the dermis.
- Delete the degenerated and damaged skin cells, which are replaced by new cells "younger" at the top layer of skin.
- In the deepest layer of the skin are produced new collagen fibers, elastin and glycosaminoglycans.
This renews the skin, resulting in a brighter facial skin fresh and young, "reducing the signs of aging, removing wrinkles and blemishes. On the basis of their ability 'to penetrate the skin and the consequent depth of action, the peeling can be classified into: superficial, medium and deep. The level of depth depends on the type of substance, its concentration, its pH and time of application. This allows you to tailor treatment to individual patients, without altering its social life. The repetition of sessions allows you to change duration, type and the application of acids, according to the results obtained progressively, focusing on programs for "Soft Scrub" or average surface penetration.
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