Sunday, October 10, 2010

Best Gps For An Inflatable Boat

Open Source - Freeware - Adware-Shareware ... in short, no problem

Often we download programs from the Internet regardless of the type of file we are going to download, to better understand the meanings and any r Ischia that exist in some programs to download Below are listed some of the terminology with the explanation in a few lines, easily storable , of the most used:

Open Source : We can generally be summarized as 'Code Free / Open', ie available to all. In an Open Source program anyone can see the program code, modify it or do as they want (even here there is a difference depending on the type of license and choices of the programmer.

Freeware : literally 'free software'. Unlike Open Source, the program code is not public, but belongs to the programmer. The program can be used free there may be limitations for commercial purposes depending on the choices of the programmer.

Adware : s oftware in which they are free of advertising, usually banner that slow navigazione.Questo means that the software manufacturer to profit from his work without the end user is forced to pay for the software. Many also give you the option through which you can pay a sum to remove the banner, adware may contain spyware .

Shareware : program used for a certain period of time, after which you must register (the program does not work ) in free versions, the program features may be limited or disabled. After recording a shareware program in most cases are a purchase pproposto to continue using the program.


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