Sunday, October 10, 2010

Instructions To Build A Toy Box

Listen amatotoriali HF bands WebSDR nine bands

WebSDR nine bands

Listen amatotoriali HF amateur radio bands from their own computers without expensive and bulky satellite receivers is possible due to project carried out in Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science,

at the 'University of Twente , you can listen to and control a shortwave receiver located at WebSDR amateur radio club ETGD trasmisioni on the 9-band at the University.

Unlike other web-controlled receivers, this receiver can be tuned by multiple users simultaneously, thanks to the use of Software-Defined Radio.

this page you can listen to and control a shortwave receiver located at the club.
the experimental setup, not grarantisce continuity and performance is still an ideal approach for those who approach the world of radio communications amatorali becoming a source of testing at no cost.
must be Java and JavaScript enabled to enter the page of the receiver WebSDR page If you do not hear anything, probably Java is disabled sleepers council to install a recent Java and JavaScript for optimal performance.

Click on the image to listen to and control the receiver WebSDR amateur ETGD.



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