Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Betta Fish Has White Spots

Calendar nuclear Merkel (from Rainews24)

Gli occhi di Angela Merkel
eyes of Angela Merkel
Berlin, 15.03.2011
While the increase in the rest of Europe 'even if the Merkel has second thoughts', in Germany the decision of the Registrar to suspend the extension of the old nuclear power plants in the light of events in Japan is viewed as especially clever move pre election. And because a poll says. Three months
useful for nuclear and the Regional "The earthquake in Japan is crazy," writes today Frankfurther Allgeimene Zeitung, because not only destroys the security of a technologically advanced country like Japan, but "also leads to the repositioning of the debate on the use nuclear energy. The nuclear debate is understandable because people are scared. But wildly surprising moratorium announced by Angela Merkel is a sign of insecurity. " .. read more


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