Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lisinopril Acid Reflux

E remove the government on nuclear transparency (from linkiesta.it)

Tomorrow back to committee on nuclear decree. Time is short, by March 23 should be approved, on pain of dismissal. The Constitutional Court imposed fixes that enhance the importance of individual regions affected by the development of nuclear power plants. But already there was, the Government proposes to remove certain restrictions on advertising: in the old version of the criteria by which sites will be selected for power were in fact published on corporate websites and in newspapers. In the new version of the debate tomorrow and pushed with haste, these requirements have been repealed.
Destiny cynical cheat . Just this week, the week of global nuclear fear, the legislative decree on nuclear comes alive in joint committees of the House and Senate. Just tomorrow since the first meeting in Parliament and the pressure is double: on one hand and public opinion, regional and municipal leaders to think less and less available to nuclear power at home, other times to get ever closer to the goal. Already, the draft rinuclearizzazione of our country is now a matter of life or death. On 23 March, in fact, the deadline of a year that the decree - entered into force March 23, 2010 even when the responsible Minister Claudio Scajola was - posed strictly for final corrections. The year ends, precisely, on 23 March and the deadline for final approval of legislation is now arrived. .. read more


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