Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Japanese Chikan Online

Assessment and meritocracy, by April regulation. Inspectors will evaluate schools and 10,000 Executives Ready


If of course as approved in the Senate yesterday Milleproroghe will be confirmed by a vote of the House. The maxi-amendment was, in fact, adopted an article on a regulation issued within sixty days from the date of entry into force. A coup that bypasses the possibility of testing any work and shared model of assessment.

According to the amendment, the evaluation system will be based on three cornerstones:

  • INDIRE, which will be responsible for supporting processes of improvement and educational innovation, in-service training of school personnel and documentation, and educational research
  • INVALSI tasks that will have provision of learning assessment tests for schools of all levels, participation in international surveys, as well the continuation of periodic national surveys on national standards
  • an inspectorate, which counts over 10 thousand inspectors who will be responsible for evaluating schools and headmasters

The regulations also should be given the standards for external evaluation of schools

The amendment as approved by the Senate

Art 1
c. 4 - octiesdecies. With regulations to be issued pursuant to Article 17, paragraph 2 of Law August 23, 1988, No 400, within sixty days from the date of entry into force of the law of conversion of this decree, you identified the national evaluation system, defining the apparatus which comprises:
a) the National Institute of documentation, innovation and educational research, with the task of supporting processes of innovation and educational improvement, in-service training of school personnel and documentation, and educational research;
b) the National Institute for the evaluation of the education and training, with responsibility for preparation of evidence evaluation teaching for schools of all types and levels of participation in international surveys, as well as the continuation of periodic national surveys on national standards;
c) the inspection body, autonomous and independent, with the task of evaluating schools and school leaders seconds the provisions of Legislative Decree 27 October 2009, No 150.. "

inspection body for evaluation

Article 1
c. 4-septiesdecies. In order to define the national evaluation system in all its components, with regulations to be issued pursuant to Article 17, paragraph 2 of Law August 23, 1988, No 400, within sixty days from the date of entry into force of the law of conversion of this decree, and reorganized within the Ministry of Education, University and Research, the inspection function, according to parameters that ensure the autonomy and independence, aimed at external evaluation of the school, and periodically, to the protocols and standards defined by the regulation. Its organization chart is provided for by that decree of the President January 20, 2009, No 17. The reorganization does not involve any burden on public finances.


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