Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ganesh Chaturthi In 1982

the circular timetable that with the current classes of competition on which converge the disciplines of first and second year of studies

It gives the news Horizon school. This is a draft not yet published, and subject to change.

Ministry of Education, University and Research
Education Department
Directorate General for school staff

Prot A00DPIT n . Rome,

the Directors-General of

Regional School


Subject: Current classes of competition on which converge the disciplines relating to the first and second year of the institutions involved in the reorganization of grade II.

As you know, the regulations related to the revision of structures regulated directions of the second cycle can be implemented in school year 2011/2012, the first and second classes. Conversely
the Regulation on the revision of the classes of competition provisions of art. 64 of Law No 133 of 2008 is not yet defined and therefore unlikely to be implemented during the school year 2011/12.
It makes, therefore, necessary in the constitution of the organic and the ensuing mobility operations, also refer to as the 2011/2012 existing classes of competition, should be supplemented and amended by the disciplines and areas related to the laws of the first year and second over the institutions of the second degree.

In order to allow, in the transitional period, school heads and their personnel to have known of the mode of convergence, we have attached the relevant tables, amended and supplemented as indicated above, on the first and second classes of institutions of the second degree to which they apply the reform.

as they did in the preceding year, the tables above the confluence of nature have only declaratory of what exists. The teachings are the confluence in most of the previous classes of competition law should be treated as lessons learned "atypical" whose assignment to the classes of competition should primarily aim to maintain the ownership of the teachers present in school institutions, the determination of optimal teaching and continuous education. Obviously the choice of the class of reference at this competition should be in school, with particular reference to high school art workshops.

In the presence, at school, more than one owner of teachings "atypical", we should give priority to the person or persons, in relation to the number of posts, will be placed with the highest score in the ranking of school crossing unified the various rankings, in accordance with the previously referred article. CCNI 7 of mobility. In the absence of owners to "save" the award will be given priority, by agreement with the Office of School Planning, drawing from the classes of competition made redundant at the provincial level. In the absence of the above situations, the headteacher, in consultation with the teachers, will give to the class of competition in accordance with POF.
If, therefore, in some schools or trials are present holders of classes of competition is not envisaged by the Information System as atypical classes, school administrators, in order to avoid the creation of supernumerary positions, indicating the particular situation to the representatives of the provincial staff which will ensure the correction to the manual information system, also operating on the share of autonomy.

- Luciano Chiappetta -

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Does 30 Panadols Kill?


On 17 February 2011, the TAR of Lazio held a hearing on the merits on appeal 2500 parents, teachers, ATA staff and students against the legitimacy of measures relating to school enrollment and bodies for the year 2010-11 school year.

The National Association "For the school of the Republic" supported the use placing itself alongside the applicants, as argued in the previous year, the big challenge on the Reform of primary school. At stake are in fact the law is observed in the study of the teaching profession, the quality of education, in addition to such certainty, as impugned orders were issued in violation of the procedures provided by law and is about the negative consequences arising from such arrangements that is taking place this school year.

already hearing in June 2010, the TAR of Lazio had been shown to transpose reasons the applicants saying his initial views on the measures of illegality for bodies and entries. This conviction of the judges seemed emerge again at the hearing on February 17, even if accompanied by doubts on current interest of the case. The documentation produced by our legal arguments and the defense tended to show the continuing interest of applicants, given that heavy cuts are also planned for the next school year, cuts that can be avoided a pronouncement that, confirming the orders issued in June and July, to annul the contested measures.

Judgement will be made known in a couple of months.

The appeal joined the provinces of Bologna, Cosenza, Perugia, Pistoia, ViboValentia and towns of Fiesole, Imola and the Environment dell'Empolese-Val d'Elsa. These institutions have understood the importance of their direct engagement party for the people.

hope that in the future becomes much greater commitment of the institutions, where the laws and the Constitution itself recognized expertise in the area of \u200b\u200bschool organization (especially the regions), to claim compliance with power and visibility of its role , Not in the name of protection of particular "local, but for the full implementation of the design content in our democratic Constitution

Rome, February 21, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Congratulation For Engament

Exhibition at the school, "Francesco Crispi" open on Saturday for a


Soka Gakkai




Ministry of Education

University and Research School Office


24 ° CIRCLE "Francesco Crispi"







Soka Gakkai

Show documentary and photographic

Roma 21/25 February 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011, AT 17.00 CONFERENCE



From saying to doing

Speakers: Dr. Elio Pacilio director of Green Cross Italy ;

Prof. Guido Giordano University Roma Tre, Italian Institute for Buddhist Soka Gakkai

PRIMARY SCHOOL Via Francesco Crispi Anton Giulio Barrili 13, Rome

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Kates Playground Nacktfotos

cuts. S. For 2011/12 and levels of school

from www.

red - 19,700 teachers and 14,176 Ata, this is the budget provided by the Ministry of slimming for the tax to the Italian school. S. 2011/12. In order to detail the numbers and grade school children

School : organic unchanged

Primary School: - 9260 Secondary school teachers

I can : - 1310 jobs

Secondary Grade II : - 8989 jobs

Ata: - 14,176


to achieve its goal:

  • raising the ratio of pupils - class
  • 0.1 units 27 hours per week in the primary extension the "master prevailing"
  • - 4700 teachers specializing in English to primary school teachers be replaced by "trained" by the Ministry with specific courses of 500 hours of professional
  • reduction from 34 to 32 hours

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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innovation policies for the school

On 17 June 2009 was held in Rome at the Ministry of Education, an international seminar sponsored by TreeLLLe in collaboration with the OECD to present two major surveys. The first survey TALIS ( Teaching and Learning International Survey, 2009 ), prepared by the OECD Directorate for Education, which has its world premiere the seminar in question. The second relates to Chapter 4, mostly drawn from the Education ' Economic Survey-Italy of 2009, prepared dall'Economics Department


Talis OECD survey, 2009 "Creating environments for effective teaching and learning"

How widespread is the professional development of teachers?

How satisfy the needs of the professional development of teachers?

How to respond to unmet needs for professional development? How

vary from one country to another belief and practices?

How teachers use their teaching hours and to what extent is it as effective in their work?

What is the perception of teachers in relation to evaluation and feedback on their work?

How do educational systems reward effective teaching?

How leadership styles differ?

How does the school leadership is related to the professional development of teachers?

the Economic Survey - Italy cap. 4 OCSE 2009 "Towards better schools and equal learning opportunities"

1. The main challenges for the school system Italian

2. Contain expenditure in primary and secondary

3. Determinants of Educational Achievement

4. Incentives to improve educational outcomes

5. Improving the quality of teaching

6. Improving the transition from secondary school to the labor market and higher education

7. Conclusions and summary of main recommendations

read the dossier

Friday, February 11, 2011

Paediatrician Accepting Patients Mississauga

Effect Marchionne also in school?

Until recently, speaking of Reform Gelmini, we are referring only to the non-university education. Then he added the university that prevails in public attention. In the meantime, we are the 2nd year of law enforcement to curb spending on public service which provides savings of € 7.832 billion from 2009 to 2012. Namely that, communicative memory, defines the 8 billion and about 132,000 units less in the school.

This provided for a plan of measures aimed at rationalizing the use of human and material resources through the consolidation of classes of competition for teachers, the redefinition of the curriculum frameworks and related schedules. Then the review of criteria for training classes, the remodeling organization of primary school education, the revision of the criteria for the determination of organic personnel, the redefinition of the organizational-educational centers of adult education and the definition of criteria for the sizing of the school network.
In order to make sure the savings was also provision for a reduction of budgetary allocations to the Ministry of Education up to the amounts provided. In addition, it was determined that 30 percent of the savings were returned to the school staff for the recognition of "press", although now they will be used to cover the recent blocking shots salary for civil servants.
Gelmini Reform in compulsory education has led to a reduction of teaching staff and of training that could result from the presence of several teachers who dedicate themselves to a class or part of it. The retention times of the afternoon was also problematic in many situations, necessitating the intervention of local authorities and parents to overcome the lack of teaching staff time for education of the table.
Or, schools have had to use teachers to snap, to meet the needs of other classes, canteen, with all the difficulties and conflicts that such situations create. In high school
families have had to choose last year among the new six high schools, 11 technical institutes and 6 professional, with general contraction of times square. But if the debate on university reform, being more recently, has taken the place of that physiologically the school and higher education, this does not mean that the difficulties are overcome.
The lack of financial resources, which is given jointly by all the public sectors, continues to affect even the schools to pay for substitute teachers, purchase materials or repair the equipment necessary for their normal operation. On this aspect has been quietly passing, with varying degrees of awareness of participants and parents, even the constitutional provisions of free public schools, requiring the families contributed money or materials for the teaching activities but also, now, of that authority.
to achieve, for the next school year, the further reduction of 19,676 chairs and 14,167 non-teaching staff positions, the ministry has announced its intention to increase the drive ratio of 0.10 pupils per class, to extend the primary school both 27 hours a week of training offered in the classroom first, second and third, through the adoption of the "master prevalent, which proceed to the further elimination of 4,700 specialist teachers of English, and to cut 3,000 spaces in the evening classes in high school. The provision for the right to study in compulsory education for families with financial difficulties has been reduced significantly, such as transfers to the regions to support education.
Last year, the novelty of the Reformation has been perceived by households, not least because the deadline for submissions had been postponed to February 27, while this year is anticipated to Saturday 12.
seems an apparent return to normality, as if the reductions in hours ed'organici faculty and staff had been somewhat dormant metabolized and protests. In reality, other issues are being defined for by law, the assessment of staff and schools, the initial training of teachers and the recognition of the economic merits, the new rules and divisions of bargaining. The prologue will be an effect-Marchionne also in school?

Nicola Rossetto

Sunday, February 6, 2011

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QsoNet is a new system that uses the Internet to receive audio signals from an amateur radio station

QsoNet is a new system that uses the Internet to receive audio signals from an amateur radio station

and instantly reflects the audio to all stations listening on that frequency.
The result is a simulation of global ionospheric propagation of radio communications between amateur

How does it work?

QsoNet works with 56K Internet connection, with the 'ADSL and wired ones. There is no need
configure the router ports.
The network consists of a collection of internet servers they do pass the audio stream between stations voip
After installing the program of the transceiver, in QsoNet stations are connected to a central server
through a single TCP connection for the external connection.

What are the rules?

Using QsoNet is limited to the Radio Operators licensed (valid).

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Saturday, February 5, 2011

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Summary of the National School Bologna

The National Meeting of the Schools meeting in Bologna on January 30, 2011, agreed the following lines action and calls on the different components of the school (teachers, parents, students and ATA) to ensure that these initiatives and strategies will be disseminated and shared:

1) ANNUAL 2011 (ex budget) are given information on the preparation of the annual program 2011che the District Council and the Institute should be approved by February 14, 2011 (deadline).
The note of the Ministry of Education No 10 773 of 11 November 2010 is reaffirmed that "with regard to spending on so-called short and irregular supply teachers can be arranged, at intervals usually monthly allocation to each institution to supplement the funds which [...]. This mode of operation is necessary because it is not possible to estimate a priori the exact requirements for supply short of each school, given the variability of its spending from month to month. "Additional funding for the short supply teachers are always provided" to ensure and secure the priority objective of the right to study and the full functionality of the teaching activities [... ], footnote 9839 8 November 2010. School administrators do not call that an alternate can not be "justified" by financial motivations exist.
We encourage school administrators and directors of EMS not to insert credits (active compounds) owed by the Ministry in the aggregate Z (availability of funds to program) because they are sums due educational institutions and they must be used for proper planning of activities and projects to be carried out.
The active compounds can not and should not be included in the aggregate Z (availability of funds to program) because they are already involved in or sums already paid with cash advances from educational institutions. The objective of the Ministry of Education, stating that "a sum equal to the amount of active compounds for the State is properly included in the aggregate availability of funds to program Z" is clearly to not honor the claims that are DUE to the schools.

The National Encounter of Education considers the recent delivery of a portion of the residual assets resulting from the battles waged over the past two school years and just calls the District Council and Institute, in compliance with the DI 44/01, not to approve the Program Year 2011 in the following cases:
1. Lack of formal commitment of the Headmaster to appoint alternates, even for one day, in the absence of the lecturer.
2. No programming of any claims for activities and projects (active compounds).

2) appeal to the TAR: The National Meeting Schools considers necessary to ensure all possible support to these appeals in particular to stop the third wave of cuts for next school year.
• APPLICATION FOR ADJUSTMENT OF CYCLES: it reaffirmed its commitment to encourage municipalities, provinces and regions so that lent its support to intervene in the appeal which will be discussed on February 17 in Rome, through the Letter agreed in recent weeks by associations and committees applicants.
is supported and encouraged the action lent its support to primary school Longhena Mario Bologna (IC8) to the application filed with the TAR Emilia Romagna from all the unions, with the 'goal to demonstrate the illegitimacy of the reduction of 20 seats allocated in the body of law and fact and canceled in the body of evidence "damage" suffered by students due to the reduction of hours and then co-signed on the occasion of the educational enrollment.

3) The National Meeting of the schools identified as urgent and priority issues for reflection and action in the coming weeks: •
defense and recovery of the centrality of the governing bodies
• the rejection of the meritocratic ASSESSMENT and reward OF SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS
• lowering the contrast of compulsory education, the introduction of apprenticeship required by law to 15 years Sacconi (Linked to Labor) and the devaluation of the Professional Institute, which will be deducted paths assigned to the skills of three-year qualification Centers Professional Training
• full support for all legal action to denounce the increasing number of pupils per class, with dire consequences in terms of teaching and the safety of school environments in order to get in on the action of Constitutional Court

TO PRIVATE SCHOOLS: you decide to go ahead and raise until the end of February the collection of signatures, already successfully launched in several Italian provinces, in order to arrive in early March at a closing press conference of the initiative that allows us to ask a formal meeting with President Napolitano.

5) The National Meeting of the schools consider it useful and necessary to share a path that conducaalla establishment of a national consultation as a meeting place for people and can not initials, will engage in information campaigns and coordination and which put as priority the defense of the right to study el'AUTORIFORMA state education system.

In order to achieve the above objectives, the National Meeting of the Schools is committed to promoting the next few weeks the following types of information, control and mobilization:

• revival of the information campaign EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW through public disclosure (on buses, in the streets, traffic lights, shopping malls) of shared material made available by the committees and the coordinators of the various cities through the sites and mailing lists national organization of thematic meetings in the territory aimed at involving the different parts of the world of the school (parents, teachers and students) in methods of analysis and counteroffer for the revival and not just the defense of state schools. These meetings come at a moment of synthesis through a national conference on assessment and merit as the fundamental core themes on which to confront
reiterate the centrality of the right to study and to defend the school as a common good.

Bologna, January 30, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Japan Molested Online

January 30 January 30: National Assembly of the school, Agora in competitiveness

of Anna Maria Bruni

If anyone thought that after the signing of the Gelmini Law State schools would be surrendered, it was wrong big. The National Assembly of the school, which in July launched in Parma all campaigns launched this fall has arrived on Tuesday, despite a city with snow, to take stock of work in recent months and raise its objectives.

present, as well as the host city of Bologna, different situations including Rome, Naples, Milan, Padova, Piacenza, Carpi, Florence, Viareggio, representing schools or networks of them already existed in the territory. Objective, unraveling a day of discussion, debate and proposals, that in about 6 hours, apart from the convivial lunch, an attempt to identify without wasting time.

In the opening, a national consultation to boost public school, first of all made by people - not because they belong to trade unions or political parties - and the coordinations associations and schools, or close to it. The break with the dynamics of the organization, sharing and self-government is holding back as much as the widespread criticism of the positions of Pd and CGIL, conversely the desire to build the movement and inter-organization, horizontal and transverse with students. What should be the center of the struggle ", as being carriers of the law," to which - said Barbara, a parent of Naples - still too little has been done. The first step now - Insists - is to take a position on security alerts delivered to their protest actions, as well as on the 5 in the duct that are following the occupation. "

This must also do a consultation, or forum or whatever you prefer to call it. If you want to be the place from which to take a stand, the defense of the right to study the microconflittualità daily, which has so far been the bastion from which the school has been defense. The latest ruling against the Tar "classes henhouse" obtained from the many schools that have initiated the action. But even full-time co-presences, stabilization and even increase in staff rejection of budgets, lack the payment of voluntary contributions from families, lack the extra work by teachers. And last, the rejection of trials on the merits. From Turin to Naples last, there are many schools that have not given up, and that's why they protected rights.

But there are many fronts opened by cuts and by the law that followed. So many to be the thematic working groups to which it is assigned the task of drawing up a proposal and comparison. Top of the list of collegiality and evaluation. A theme, that of merit, as opposed to the collegiate structure and foundation of the state public school, democratic "to the Constitution" and therefore the bearer of rights and citizenship, that the bill undermines Aprea, clearing the bodies. Which instead should be strengthened, along with teaching, that "even in some schools - remember Robert, professor of Parma - is transformed by INValSI test, because this set since the beginning of the year." "To understand how the connection between evaluation and collegiality - says Matthew, a professor of Itis Viareggio - with the freedom of education guaranteed by Article 33 of the Constitution is the same as the struggles for freedom in the job." Namely that of representation, called into question by Fiat, while the deletion of bodies, whose counterpart is the common individualisation of employment insecurity, marching hand in hand in public and private sectors.

A model against which this Assembly will wall, multiplying information and dissemination of the many struggles in which "give strength to all others," says Deborah, a parent of Parma. Meanwhile the campaign continues, "Everyone must know" that the adhesive tape lists the numerous attacks on public schools, beginning with the cuts in jobs, and that will include "blitz on buses and at traffic lights," announces another teacher suggesting how spread information. Along with the petition which is still to Napolitano against funding for private schools, which will be delivered in late February with initiatives in many places in their cities, after a further spread in front of the University and jobs. And, again in late February, a new national appointment. "They want competitiveness? And we respond with a new agora ", they say. As if to say, another system of relations.

(January 31, 2011)

Car Starters Syracuse

signed the decree on the application

The decree comprises 16 articles. You can not award more than 75% of teachers in service and will not be distributed "rain." Sites of the schools have to be published names, curricula and awards.

Read the article with advances on the decree on
The technical school