The National Meeting of the Schools meeting in Bologna on January 30, 2011, agreed the following lines action and calls on the different components of the school (teachers, parents, students and ATA) to ensure that these initiatives and strategies will be disseminated and shared:
1) ANNUAL 2011 (ex budget) are given information on the preparation of the annual program 2011che the District Council and the Institute should be approved by February 14, 2011 (deadline).
The note of the Ministry of Education No 10 773 of 11 November 2010 is reaffirmed that "with regard to spending on so-called short and irregular supply teachers can be arranged, at intervals usually monthly allocation to each institution to supplement the funds which [...]. This mode of operation is necessary because it is not possible to estimate a priori the exact requirements for supply short of each school, given the variability of its spending from month to month. "Additional funding for the short supply teachers are always provided" to ensure and secure the priority objective of the right to study and the full functionality of the teaching activities [... ], footnote 9839 8 November 2010. School administrators do not call that an alternate can not be "justified" by financial motivations exist.
We encourage school administrators and directors of EMS not to insert credits (active compounds) owed by the Ministry in the aggregate Z (availability of funds to program) because they are sums due educational institutions and they must be used for proper planning of activities and projects to be carried out.
The active compounds can not and should not be included in the aggregate Z (availability of funds to program) because they are already involved in or sums already paid with cash advances from educational institutions. The objective of the Ministry of Education, stating that "a sum equal to the amount of active compounds for the State is properly included in the aggregate availability of funds to program Z" is clearly to not honor the claims that are DUE to the schools.
The National Encounter of Education considers the recent delivery of a portion of the residual assets resulting from the battles waged over the past two school years and just calls the District Council and Institute, in compliance with the DI 44/01, not to approve the Program Year 2011 in the following cases:
1. Lack of formal commitment of the Headmaster to appoint alternates, even for one day, in the absence of the lecturer.
2. No programming of any claims for activities and projects (active compounds).
2) appeal to the TAR: The National Meeting Schools considers necessary to ensure all possible support to these appeals in particular to stop the third wave of cuts for next school year.
• APPLICATION FOR ADJUSTMENT OF CYCLES: it reaffirmed its commitment to encourage municipalities, provinces and regions so that lent its support to intervene in the appeal which will be discussed on February 17 in Rome, through the Letter agreed in recent weeks by associations and committees applicants.
is supported and encouraged the action lent its support to primary school Longhena Mario Bologna (IC8) to the application filed with the TAR Emilia Romagna from all the unions, with the 'goal to demonstrate the illegitimacy of the reduction of 20 seats allocated in the body of law and fact and canceled in the body of evidence "damage" suffered by students due to the reduction of hours and then co-signed on the occasion of the educational enrollment.
3) The National Meeting of the schools identified as urgent and priority issues for reflection and action in the coming weeks: •
defense and recovery of the centrality of the governing bodies
• the rejection of the meritocratic ASSESSMENT and reward OF SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS
• lowering the contrast of compulsory education, the introduction of apprenticeship required by law to 15 years Sacconi (Linked to Labor) and the devaluation of the Professional Institute, which will be deducted paths assigned to the skills of three-year qualification Centers Professional Training
• full support for all legal action to denounce the increasing number of pupils per class, with dire consequences in terms of teaching and the safety of school environments in order to get in on the action of Constitutional Court
TO PRIVATE SCHOOLS: you decide to go ahead and raise until the end of February the collection of signatures, already successfully launched in several Italian provinces, in order to arrive in early March at a closing press conference of the initiative that allows us to ask a formal meeting with President Napolitano.
5) The National Meeting of the schools consider it useful and necessary to share a path that conducaalla establishment of a national consultation as a meeting place for people and can not initials, will engage in information campaigns and coordination and which put as priority the defense of the right to study el'AUTORIFORMA state education system.
In order to achieve the above objectives, the National Meeting of the Schools is committed to promoting the next few weeks the following types of information, control and mobilization:
• revival of the information campaign EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW through public disclosure (on buses, in the streets, traffic lights, shopping malls) of shared material made available by the committees and the coordinators of the various cities through the sites and mailing lists national organization of thematic meetings in the territory aimed at involving the different parts of the world of the school (parents, teachers and students) in methods of analysis and counteroffer for the revival and not just the defense of state schools. These meetings come at a moment of synthesis through a national conference on assessment and merit as the fundamental core themes on which to confront
reiterate the centrality of the right to study and to defend the school as a common good.
Bologna, January 30, 2011
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