Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ganesh Chaturthi In 1982

the circular timetable that with the current classes of competition on which converge the disciplines of first and second year of studies

It gives the news Horizon school. This is a draft not yet published, and subject to change.

Ministry of Education, University and Research
Education Department
Directorate General for school staff

Prot A00DPIT n . Rome,

the Directors-General of

Regional School


Subject: Current classes of competition on which converge the disciplines relating to the first and second year of the institutions involved in the reorganization of grade II.

As you know, the regulations related to the revision of structures regulated directions of the second cycle can be implemented in school year 2011/2012, the first and second classes. Conversely
the Regulation on the revision of the classes of competition provisions of art. 64 of Law No 133 of 2008 is not yet defined and therefore unlikely to be implemented during the school year 2011/12.
It makes, therefore, necessary in the constitution of the organic and the ensuing mobility operations, also refer to as the 2011/2012 existing classes of competition, should be supplemented and amended by the disciplines and areas related to the laws of the first year and second over the institutions of the second degree.

In order to allow, in the transitional period, school heads and their personnel to have known of the mode of convergence, we have attached the relevant tables, amended and supplemented as indicated above, on the first and second classes of institutions of the second degree to which they apply the reform.

as they did in the preceding year, the tables above the confluence of nature have only declaratory of what exists. The teachings are the confluence in most of the previous classes of competition law should be treated as lessons learned "atypical" whose assignment to the classes of competition should primarily aim to maintain the ownership of the teachers present in school institutions, the determination of optimal teaching and continuous education. Obviously the choice of the class of reference at this competition should be in school, with particular reference to high school art workshops.

In the presence, at school, more than one owner of teachings "atypical", we should give priority to the person or persons, in relation to the number of posts, will be placed with the highest score in the ranking of school crossing unified the various rankings, in accordance with the previously referred article. CCNI 7 of mobility. In the absence of owners to "save" the award will be given priority, by agreement with the Office of School Planning, drawing from the classes of competition made redundant at the provincial level. In the absence of the above situations, the headteacher, in consultation with the teachers, will give to the class of competition in accordance with POF.
If, therefore, in some schools or trials are present holders of classes of competition is not envisaged by the Information System as atypical classes, school administrators, in order to avoid the creation of supernumerary positions, indicating the particular situation to the representatives of the provincial staff which will ensure the correction to the manual information system, also operating on the share of autonomy.

- Luciano Chiappetta -

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