Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Japan Molested Online

January 30 January 30: National Assembly of the school, Agora in competitiveness

of Anna Maria Bruni

If anyone thought that after the signing of the Gelmini Law State schools would be surrendered, it was wrong big. The National Assembly of the school, which in July launched in Parma all campaigns launched this fall has arrived on Tuesday, despite a city with snow, to take stock of work in recent months and raise its objectives.

present, as well as the host city of Bologna, different situations including Rome, Naples, Milan, Padova, Piacenza, Carpi, Florence, Viareggio, representing schools or networks of them already existed in the territory. Objective, unraveling a day of discussion, debate and proposals, that in about 6 hours, apart from the convivial lunch, an attempt to identify without wasting time.

In the opening, a national consultation to boost public school, first of all made by people - not because they belong to trade unions or political parties - and the coordinations associations and schools, or close to it. The break with the dynamics of the organization, sharing and self-government is holding back as much as the widespread criticism of the positions of Pd and CGIL, conversely the desire to build the movement and inter-organization, horizontal and transverse with students. What should be the center of the struggle ", as being carriers of the law," to which - said Barbara, a parent of Naples - still too little has been done. The first step now - Insists - is to take a position on security alerts delivered to their protest actions, as well as on the 5 in the duct that are following the occupation. "

This must also do a consultation, or forum or whatever you prefer to call it. If you want to be the place from which to take a stand, the defense of the right to study the microconflittualità daily, which has so far been the bastion from which the school has been defense. The latest ruling against the Tar "classes henhouse" obtained from the many schools that have initiated the action. But even full-time co-presences, stabilization and even increase in staff rejection of budgets, lack the payment of voluntary contributions from families, lack the extra work by teachers. And last, the rejection of trials on the merits. From Turin to Naples last, there are many schools that have not given up, and that's why they protected rights.

But there are many fronts opened by cuts and by the law that followed. So many to be the thematic working groups to which it is assigned the task of drawing up a proposal and comparison. Top of the list of collegiality and evaluation. A theme, that of merit, as opposed to the collegiate structure and foundation of the state public school, democratic "to the Constitution" and therefore the bearer of rights and citizenship, that the bill undermines Aprea, clearing the bodies. Which instead should be strengthened, along with teaching, that "even in some schools - remember Robert, professor of Parma - is transformed by INValSI test, because this set since the beginning of the year." "To understand how the connection between evaluation and collegiality - says Matthew, a professor of Itis Viareggio - with the freedom of education guaranteed by Article 33 of the Constitution is the same as the struggles for freedom in the job." Namely that of representation, called into question by Fiat, while the deletion of bodies, whose counterpart is the common individualisation of employment insecurity, marching hand in hand in public and private sectors.

A model against which this Assembly will wall, multiplying information and dissemination of the many struggles in which "give strength to all others," says Deborah, a parent of Parma. Meanwhile the campaign continues, "Everyone must know" that the adhesive tape lists the numerous attacks on public schools, beginning with the cuts in jobs, and that will include "blitz on buses and at traffic lights," announces another teacher suggesting how spread information. Along with the petition which is still to Napolitano against funding for private schools, which will be delivered in late February with initiatives in many places in their cities, after a further spread in front of the University and jobs. And, again in late February, a new national appointment. "They want competitiveness? And we respond with a new agora ", they say. As if to say, another system of relations.

(January 31, 2011)


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