Saturday, February 19, 2011

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innovation policies for the school

On 17 June 2009 was held in Rome at the Ministry of Education, an international seminar sponsored by TreeLLLe in collaboration with the OECD to present two major surveys. The first survey TALIS ( Teaching and Learning International Survey, 2009 ), prepared by the OECD Directorate for Education, which has its world premiere the seminar in question. The second relates to Chapter 4, mostly drawn from the Education ' Economic Survey-Italy of 2009, prepared dall'Economics Department


Talis OECD survey, 2009 "Creating environments for effective teaching and learning"

How widespread is the professional development of teachers?

How satisfy the needs of the professional development of teachers?

How to respond to unmet needs for professional development? How

vary from one country to another belief and practices?

How teachers use their teaching hours and to what extent is it as effective in their work?

What is the perception of teachers in relation to evaluation and feedback on their work?

How do educational systems reward effective teaching?

How leadership styles differ?

How does the school leadership is related to the professional development of teachers?

the Economic Survey - Italy cap. 4 OCSE 2009 "Towards better schools and equal learning opportunities"

1. The main challenges for the school system Italian

2. Contain expenditure in primary and secondary

3. Determinants of Educational Achievement

4. Incentives to improve educational outcomes

5. Improving the quality of teaching

6. Improving the transition from secondary school to the labor market and higher education

7. Conclusions and summary of main recommendations

read the dossier


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