Until recently, speaking of Reform Gelmini, we are referring only to the non-university education. Then he added the university that prevails in public attention. In the meantime, we are the 2nd year of law enforcement to curb spending on public service which provides savings of € 7.832 billion from 2009 to 2012. Namely that, communicative memory, defines the 8 billion and about 132,000 units less in the school.
This provided for a plan of measures aimed at rationalizing the use of human and material resources through the consolidation of classes of competition for teachers, the redefinition of the curriculum frameworks and related schedules. Then the review of criteria for training classes, the remodeling organization of primary school education, the revision of the criteria for the determination of organic personnel, the redefinition of the organizational-educational centers of adult education and the definition of criteria for the sizing of the school network.
In order to make sure the savings was also provision for a reduction of budgetary allocations to the Ministry of Education up to the amounts provided. In addition, it was determined that 30 percent of the savings were returned to the school staff for the recognition of "press", although now they will be used to cover the recent blocking shots salary for civil servants.
Gelmini Reform in compulsory education has led to a reduction of teaching staff and of training that could result from the presence of several teachers who dedicate themselves to a class or part of it. The retention times of the afternoon was also problematic in many situations, necessitating the intervention of local authorities and parents to overcome the lack of teaching staff time for education of the table.
Or, schools have had to use teachers to snap, to meet the needs of other classes, canteen, with all the difficulties and conflicts that such situations create. In high school
families have had to choose last year among the new six high schools, 11 technical institutes and 6 professional, with general contraction of times square. But if the debate on university reform, being more recently, has taken the place of that physiologically the school and higher education, this does not mean that the difficulties are overcome.
The lack of financial resources, which is given jointly by all the public sectors, continues to affect even the schools to pay for substitute teachers, purchase materials or repair the equipment necessary for their normal operation. On this aspect has been quietly passing, with varying degrees of awareness of participants and parents, even the constitutional provisions of free public schools, requiring the families contributed money or materials for the teaching activities but also, now, of that authority.
to achieve, for the next school year, the further reduction of 19,676 chairs and 14,167 non-teaching staff positions, the ministry has announced its intention to increase the drive ratio of 0.10 pupils per class, to extend the primary school both 27 hours a week of training offered in the classroom first, second and third, through the adoption of the "master prevalent, which proceed to the further elimination of 4,700 specialist teachers of English, and to cut 3,000 spaces in the evening classes in high school. The provision for the right to study in compulsory education for families with financial difficulties has been reduced significantly, such as transfers to the regions to support education.
Last year, the novelty of the Reformation has been perceived by households, not least because the deadline for submissions had been postponed to February 27, while this year is anticipated to Saturday 12.
seems an apparent return to normality, as if the reductions in hours ed'organici faculty and staff had been somewhat dormant metabolized and protests. In reality, other issues are being defined for by law, the assessment of staff and schools, the initial training of teachers and the recognition of the economic merits, the new rules and divisions of bargaining. The prologue will be an effect-Marchionne also in school?
Nicola Rossetto
by http://www.ecodelchisone.it
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